Off the Shelf

Hamba kahle Mtanami, DD Phiri

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It is not easy to say anything more sensible and new about the late Dr Desmond Dudwa Phiri, popularly known as DD Phiri, than what has already been eulogised about him following his recall to glory last Sunday at Mwaiwathu Private Hospital.

In his eulogy my boss, Nation Publications (NPL) deputy chief executive, Alfred Ntonga, among other things, described DD Phiri’s death as a big blow to the media industry: “But at Nation Publications Limited our library has caught fire. DD Phiri dedicated his life to reading different books to ensure that he gave Malawians the right information. But he will be alive forever.” Mr. Ntonga could not have been more apt.

DD Phiri’s works are well documented. For one to be able to write extensively one has to read voraciously—newspapers, books, journals, magazines and anything one can lay one’s hands on. DPP Phiri did just that. In all his writings, there was irrefutable and discreditable evidence of someone who was well read. 

DD Phiri has been writing the DD Phiri Column in The Nation since 1993 and Business & Economic Forum in the same newspaper since 2006. Seeing that he still needed another outlet for his works in 2014, he started writing a column in The Daily Times—DD Phiri Insight. In between his busy writing and reading schedules for the two papers which have strict deadlines for submission of material, DD Phiri still had time to write books on history, fiction and biographies and study lessons for his Aggrey Memorial College (AMC). He has 17 titles to his credit. Occasionally, NPL could also commission DD Phiri to write essays on specific topics—especially of historical nature. He mostly wrote on business, economics and on politics. He also commented on issues about the Mzimba Heritage. In early 2000s when there was a conversation to split Mzimba into two or more districts, he vehemently opposed the idea which he disparagingly described as “dismembering our Mzimba”.

As a columnist he was always very professional. Just when you thought DD Phiri could not meet the deadline for his column, a type-written script would be on your desk. But most of the time, his piece would be ready several days before press time. He never disappointed. Your work would then only be to retype it, for DD Phiri never used a computer. He, therefore, never sent his pieces by email. They were hand-delivered. He would give his handwritten script to his secretary who would then type it in point size 10 double spaced. If the secretary was away, he would still write and send you his handwritten script. Editors have a habit of editing material either for space or clarity. DD Phiri worked diligently with them but loathed their “holier-than-thou” attitude of changing his script except for house style or typos. He keenly followed his articles in newspapers, always querying if you delayed or did not publish his articles. “Some articles have shelf life,” he would  bitterly complain.

I do not know any Malawian who has written more books than DD Phiri. Reading and writing were in his blood. Writing was his passion. He wrote not just for posterity. He always wanted what he had written to see the light of day. He was a great teacher and communicator.

When news filtered in that DD Phiri was no more after being hospitalised for three weeks, several people suggested that he deserved a State funeral. One College of Medicine professor suggested that DD Phiri be buried at the Heroes Acre in Mzuzu. A retired secondary school teacher based in Mzimba called me to express his disappointment that DD Phiri was not accorded a national send off. A member of the NPL family also expressed the same sentiments. When I also mentioned that DD Phiri deserved a State funeral and should have been buried at the Heroes Acre in Mzuzu, the senior citizen retorted: “He deserved much more. I’m saddened”.

DD Phiri spoke little but his legacy is a symphony that will reverberate above the din of his 88 year sojourn on earth for many years. Hamba kahle Mtanami. n

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